Wednesday 7 November 2012

Public Sector Undertakings (PSU)

The government-owned corporations are termed as Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India. In a PSU majority (51% or more) of the paid up share capital is held by central government or by any state government or partly by the central governments and partly by one or more state governments.
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) audits government companies. In respect of government companies, CAG has the power to appoint the Auditor and to direct the manner in which the Auditor shall audit the company's accounts.

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have laid a strong foundation for the industrial development of the country. The public sector is less concerned with making profits. Hence, they play a key role in nation building activities, which take the economy in the right direction.
PSUs provide leverage to the Government (their controlling shareholder) to intervene in the economy directly or indirectly to achieve the desired socio-economic objectives and maximize long-term goals.
As agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, Public Sector Banks (PSBs) play a crucial role in pushing the agricultural economy on to the progressive pathway and helping develop rural India. Moreover, PSUs play a substantial role in the rural development by providing basic infrastructural services to citizens.

Post Independence, India was grappling with grave socio-economic problems, such as inequalities in income and low levels of employment, regional imbalances in economic development and lack of trained manpower, weak industrial base, inadequate investments and infrastructure facilities, etc.
Hence, the roadmap for Public Sector was developed as an instrument for self-reliant economic growth. The country adopted the planned economic development polices, which envisaged the development of PSUs.
Initially, the public sector was confined to core and strategic industries. The second phase witnessed nationalization of industries, takeover of sick units from the private sector, and entry of the public sector into new fields like manufacturing consumer goods, consultancy, contracting and transportation etc.
The Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 outlined the importance of the economy and its continuous growth in production and equitable distribution. In this process, the policy envisaged active engagement of the State in development of industries.
The Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 classified industries into three categories with respect to the role played by the State -
  • The first category (Schedule A) included industries whose future development would be the exclusive responsibility of the State
  • The second (Schedule B) category included Enterprises whose initiatives of development would principally be driven by the State but private participation would also be allowed to supplement the efforts of the State
  • And, the third category included the remaining industries, which were left to the private sector.
In 1969, the government nationalized 14 major banks.
The Industrial Licensing Policy 1970 placed certain restrictions on undertakings belonging to large industrial houses, defined on the basis of assets exceeding Rs 350 mn.

The Three Questions : Which can change our way of living

The Three Questions is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy in which a king is eager to find the answers of three questions which he considered the most important one, He asked many people for the answers but  he was satisfied with nobody,s answer. Then he came to know aboout a hermit  who lived in the nearby village . He went to him for the answers. He asked the Hermit three questions. His Questions were

  • What is the best time to do each thing?
  • Who are the most important people to work with?
  • What is the most important thing to do at all times?
The hermit on being asked several times by the King answered him in such way:
  • The most important time is now. The present is the only time over which we have power.
  • The most important person is whoever you are with.
  • The most important thing is to do good to the person you are with.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Get Blood in Emergency

Airtel, as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, under “Airtel Cares for Everyone” (ACE) project, has tied up with Jeevan Blood Bank in the year 2008 and has initiated this special blood aid service to serve the emergency blood needs in India. Jeevan (meaning 'Life') blood bank was started in the year 1995 for providing, on demand, safe blood and blood components that are collected from non remunerated voluntary blood donors.

Using this blood aid service, people can get source information of blood in emergency cases, within few minutes, and also access the real time stock of tested blood components from the Jeevan Blood Bank, 24 hours a day. All that a person has to do is to type and SMS it to 9600097000 (EX: Blood B+ or Blood AB+). Within a minute, you will get response with information on quantity of readily available tested blood components of the group required. If the required blood group is available, one can also call the Jeevan Blood Bank directly on 044-28351200 or 044-43524242 for further assistance. This mobile service is available for users of all networks, and is toll free for Airtel mobile customers. Also, the special mobile number 96000 97000 is easy to remember.
This main motive of this mobile SMS blood aid service in India is to help minimise the time spent on searching for safe blood, so as to get required blood in emergency and help save more lives. 

Horsetail waterfalls: an Amazing natural attraction

Horsetail waterfalls looking like a flaming fire is indeed a beautiful formation that looks like a God's creation. Of course, this is not a real fire, but it is indeed an amazing natural attraction. These waterfalls belong to Yosemite National Park, California.
Flaming fire of Horsetail waterfall is a rare natural phenomenon that occurs only in the month of February, when the weather changes from winter to spring. During this time, the snow melts and becomes water, running down the river in Yosemite National Park and falls from a height of cliff. These seasonal waterfalls are affected by the glorious color of the spring sunset light, and thereby the water color changes to gold, yellow and bright orange, giving the waterfall an amazing appearance of flaming fire.

Taj Mahal not a Symbol of love

We All Know Taj Mahal As Symbol Of Love But The Other Lesser Known Facts are: 

1. Mumtaz Was Shahjahan's 4th Wife Out Of His 7 Wives 

2. Shahjahan Killed Mumtaz's Husband To Marry Her ! 

3. Mumtaz Died In Her 14th Delivery ! 

4. He Then Married Mumtaz's Sister ! 

Question Arises Where The Hell Is The Love...

Graviola's Fruit : 10000 times Better killer of Cancer cells than any chemo

Graviola, also called Soursop is a miraculous, natural cancer cell killer which is 10,000 times stronger than Chemotherapy. It is a fact that Soursop has certain health benefits, attributed to its anti-parasitic, anti-microbial and anti-depressive properties, and recent studies have shown that it MAY have chemotherapeutic potential.
Soursop (scientific name - Annona muricata), also called Graviola (Portuguese), is a fruit that generally grows in the rain forests of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. It has other names like thorny custard apple, cherimoya and brazilian pawpaw.
Graviola also has few other side effects like lowering the blood pressure, so it should not be taken by people with low blood pressure or heart complications. The antimicrobial properties of Soursop can also kill beneficial bacteria on the skin, in the vagina and gut, which can lead to infections in long term use.

World's Most Beautiful Horse

Turkey got the record of having the World's Most beautiful and astonishing looking horse. Here is the sample of the picture taken of the most beautiful gold color elegant horse in turkey.
The golden horse actually belongs to an interesting breed called Akhal Teke, which is known for its natural, beautiful, shining metallic coat. Horses belonging to this breed come in various colors, including bay, black, chestnut, palomino, cremello, perlino, and grey. These are mostly seen in Turkmenistan and Russia, and are noted for their speed and endurance in long marches. Because of this natural athleticism, Akhal Teke can be a sport horse, good at dressage, and is often used for show jumping, eventing, racing, and endurance riding. A Google search of Akhal Teke will show you many such good looking horse pictures belonging to Akhal Teke breed.

Monday 15 October 2012

Felix Baumgartner :the first skydiver to go faster than speed of sound

"Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. 

"You don't think about breaking records anymore, you don't think about gaining scientific data - the only thing that you want is to come back alive."

Felix Baumgartner has become the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 833.9mph (1,342km/h).

A Sonic Boom

A Sonic Boom

 When an airplane travels at a speed faster than sound, density waves of sound emitted by the plane cannot precede the plane, and so accumulate in a cone behind the plane. When this shock wave passes, a listener hears all at once the sound emitted over a longer period: a sonic boom. As a plane accelerates to just break the sound barrier, however, an unusual cloud might form. The origin of this cloud is still debated. A leading theory is that a drop in air pressure at the plane described by the Prandtl-Glauert Singularity occurs so that moist air condenses there to form water droplets. This, an F/A-18 Hornet was photographed just as it broke the sound barrier. Large meteors and the space shuttle frequently produce audible sonic booms before they are slowed below sound speed by the Earth's atmosphere.

Secret Natural Pool

Secret Natural Pool

Hamilton Pool Preserve is a natural pool that was created when the dome of an underground river collapsed due to massive erosion thousands of years ago.Hamilton Pool has been a favorite summer swimming spot for Austin visitors and residents.

The Largest Man-Made Marina In The World

The Largest Man-Made Marina In The World
The vision of Dubai Marina is to create an awe-inspiring city-within-a city that delights residents with its cosmopolitan, free-spirited atmosphere and unique, invigorating lifestyle. It will be an urban centre on the water, comparable to the most exclusive waterfront developments in the world's leading cities. Dubai Marina is unlike anywhere else in Dubai, the Middle East and even the world.